Customs Processing

Coverage in all customs of the Mexican Republic

We verify the regulations and taxes before making the purchase, ensuring that the product arrives in national territory ready for import customs clearance The customs clearance process requires compliance with a series of formalities established by the legislation on the matter. At Dombart Trading & Logistics We offer you the advisory service to carry out the fulfillment of this task, supporting you for the dispatch of goods for both import and export.

Our guarantee:


Coverage in national and international customs

Timely customs crossing tracking

Customs clearance times optimization


Discover the simplest process of importing products to Mexico. Contact us

Yes. Mexico has a network of 13 Free Trade Agreements with 50 countries (FTAs), 32 Agreements for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments (APPRIs) with 33 countries and 9 agreements limited scope (Economic Complementation Agreements and Partial Scope Agreements) in the framework of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), also participates in a active in multilateral and regional organizations and forums such as the World Organization Trade (WTO), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Mechanism (APEC), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and ALADI.
* Source: Secretary of Economy

The treaties and agreements to which Mexico is a party determine tariff preferences (reduction or exemption from payment of import taxes) enjoyed by certain products. To learn more about the preferential treatment that your product could have, depending on your country of origin (country of manufacture), please contact us.

Also called the sectorial register, it is the regulation whose purpose is to maintain a balance between imports and national production of certain products. For to know if the product that you will bring to Mexico is subject to the sectorial standard, contact us.

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Don’t get caught up in discovering the black thread of a successful import, work with the experts