New logistics trends for 2021

The extraordinary circumstances that the world experienced this year generated changes in the sector, giving rise to new logistics trends. Which are? Did they come to stay? Read this note and find out!

How did 2020 affect the sector to generate new logistics trends?

The necessary care against Covid-19 had a great impact on the operation of logistics. In a sector with so many contacts, all the recommended measures were taken. This allowed it to continue to function optimally, after taking greater precautions. And everything indicates that, for a time, we will have to continue strengthening the strategies. How? Coming up next, we tell you.

“Preventive logistics” against Covid-19

In order not to suffer a shortage, such as the one feared at the beginning of the pandemic, it is necessary to be proactive. That is what “preventive logistics” consists of. What is intended is that the replacement of merchandise arrives before the stock runs out. That is, logistics companies try to anticipate product orders from merchants.

For this to work, you have to speed up communication between the different members of the supply chain. The producer must know how much is left in his storage tank. And the latter, in turn, have to know how much stock the shops need in order not to fall short of orders. Thus, if all the members of the chain know the stock of the next one, they can forecast the demand.

Customs modernization

Customs has been modernizing in recent years. At least since 2013, with the adoption of the SICNEA electronic notification (System of Communication and Electronic Customs Notification), which connects all foreign trade actors. But today even more automation is required.

To avoid contacts (and possible spread of the virus), new technologies must be incorporated, and urgently. Scanners and recognition systems are some of the most appropriate advances since they avoid approaches between carriers and customs personnel.

New digital logistics trends

In the current context, the economic reactivation in the near future is viewed with suspicion. So how can logistics companies prepare for the new challenges? The reality is that the sector had already begun to change before the lockdown. However, this year there was a radical increase in e-commerce (or digital commerce).

This exponential growth accelerated technological advances, necessary to keep up with the volume of demand. For this reason, automation and digitization are the most important cardinal points in the logistics compass towards tomorrow. Let’s look at some of these processes in detail.


This protocol consists of a data validation from multiple computers at the same time. The blockchain in logistics has been gaining importance thanks to the transparency it provides. In addition, this plural data verification provides a great solidity to the information and greater security. In this way, more trust is generated among the users of the system.

Big Data

Logistics companies collect an enormous amount of data every day. The product enters the system when it enters the warehouse. Its status is then followed during storage. Finally, packing, loading, and transportation bring a great deal of information about location and delivery times.

This is why data management can bring new optimizations to the supply chain. With an intelligent analysis of this copious quantity (or Big Data), new ways of saving time, money, and pollution can be concluded.

Artificial intelligence and the use of robots

New logistics trends dance to the beat of big data. Artificial intelligence, from this series of data, can learn on its own to automate processes. In this way, technology shows us the best way to do things.

But not only humans but also robots. Indeed, in the coming years, we will see a greater robotization of storage centers. In fact, they are already beginning to dedicate themselves to picking, packaging, and many other tasks.


These deserve a separate paragraph. Drones are becoming more stable and the logistics giant Amazon is already beginning to investigate their use for automatic shipments. In this way, door-to-door shipments could be scheduled, thus avoiding traffic problems.


Most likely, in the future, it will be common to find a row of smart lockers or eLockers. These consist of a locker with a door that opens from our personal identification. They are used for logistics companies to leave us, at a point close to home, the requested packages. Your pickup time is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No more queuing in the mail!

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